Prevention theater
Prevention theater
Unfortunately, bullying and violence in all its forms is a sad phenomenon at more and more schools. Thankfully, there are ways and means of explaining this to school students and raising their awareness. One way is through theater pieces in which the actions and feelings of bullies and victims are acted out. Another method is the use of workshops which deal with the topic of violence at school.
It is very important to the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation to support projects in this area in order to contribute to a peaceful and respectful atmosphere at school – both for the pupils and the teachers.
Topic: Bullying and violence prevention
Age category: From the 6th grade
Venue: Flexible
Duration: 2.5 hours
It is possible for the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation to assume the costs for the Prevention Theater.
Image source: Theater EUKITEA “Raus bist du” (You’re out!)
On February 26, 2018, two actresses from the theater group “Weimarer Kulturexpress” performed the realistic play “Bullying – When Exclusion Leads to Loneliness” for all classes at a school in Schongau (Mittelschule Schongau).
The piece was performed a total of three times. Besides the preparation and follow-up work carried out by the teachers in the individual classes, the theater piece was also talked about by the actresses in a panel discussion in order to encourage the students to think about the issues in more detail. Following the official part, the students then had the chance to speak personally with the actresses about their own experiences. Many students took up this opportunity. All in all, the play received much positive feedback from the pupils and the teachers. And they thanked the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation for financing the theater piece.
For the third time, the team of the EUKITEA theater visited a high school in Landsberg (Johann-Winklhofer-Realschule) and performed the piece “You’re Out!”, which deals with the issue of preventing bullying. The pupils attentively watched the performance about a girl who becomes a victim of bullying in her school class. They then discussed the topic as a group.
The costs for the theater performance were assumed by The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation.
What happens when the issue of bullying is ignored? That was once again the topic of the ue-Theater Regensburg which again made a guest appearance at a high school in Landsberg (Ignaz-Kögler-Gymnasium) to around 100 pupils from the 5th grade as part of the school’s bullying prevention program.
Tine – the ring leader of a group of bullies – makes sure that she puts Marko in his place: Called “Stinky” by everyone, he is bullied, excluded, belittled and threatened at school. When Marko’s mother turns to the School Principal for help, he trivializes the situation completely. Bullying at his school – never! Quite the contrary: Brawls in the playground are normal. This has fatal results for Marko.
The two actors conveyed in an impressive and convincing way what bullying can do to people. They also made clear what the motives of bullies are. In a lively discussion between the actors and pupils at the end of the performance, ways for preventing bullying were outlined, and the role of those in the class who see the bullying but do not speak out against it was discussed.
To prevent violence among children and young people from becoming a taboo topic, Ignaz-Kögler high school in Landsberg has opted for a prevention concept whose goal is to create a social climate in which everyone feels comfortable and safe. According to the motto “prevention is better than cure”, avoidance rather than intervention is focused on.
As part of this concept, a workshop on violence prevention took place, which was carried out by the “Selbstbewusst und Stark” (Self-assured and Strong) association. Each of the four 6th grade classes were assigned a trainer from this association for a whole morning.
In general, the trainers dealt with problem areas such as bullying and cyberbullying with the youngsters. Which forms of (subtle) violence are there? What causes violence? How can I defend myself and get help? And also: What role do I play as an “observer”?
Furthermore, the pupils had the chance to practice their empathy skills. After all, only those who have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes can solve problems successfully. In various exercises, the pupils learned to recognize the feelings of others and to predict how others feel – particularly in bullying situations.
“This was a very interesting, informative and entertaining morning!” said one 6th grade pupil. The positive response shows that both the topic and the diverse methods of working on it were well-received. The feedback from the trainers also revealed that the work with the classes went well and that there were no inhibitions among the pupils when it came to addressing and analyzing existing conflicts.
The costs for the project were assumed by The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation.
The EUKITEA theater group from Diedorf made a guest appearance at another high school in Landsberg (Mittelschule Landsberg) as part of the school’s efforts to encourage an atmosphere of greater respect for others.
All pupils from the 6th and 7th grades assembled in the gym to watch a special play. Under the motto “You’re out!” three actors took on several roles in a fast-paced and highly imaginative way. Simple accessories, such as a scarf slung playfully over the shoulders, a colorful hairband, various baseball caps, glasses, a hat pulled down low over the forehead or a cellphone in constant use quickly brought to life a range of different pupils who always came into contact with each other in new combinations. At other times the actors were teachers, mothers or the ghost of fear, or else they related the plot as clowns with red noses.
The play was not only highly entertaining, but it also presented the problems of social exclusion and bullying in a very impressive way. Both pupils and teachers were captivated by the theater piece.
The costs for the theater performance were assumed by The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation.
To prevent violence among children and young people from becoming a taboo topic, Ignaz-Kögler high school in Landsberg has opted for a prevention concept whose goal is to create a social climate in which everyone feels comfortable and safe. According to the motto “prevention is better than cure”, avoidance rather than intervention is focused on.
Im Rahmen dieses Konzepts fand ein Workshop zur Gewaltprävention statt, der vom Verein ,,Selbstbewusst und Stark" durchgeführt wurde. Mit jeweils einem Trainer des Vereins arbeiteten die vier sechsten Klassen einen Vormittag zusammen.
Allgemein wurde mit den Schülern und Schülerinnen auf die Problemfelder von Mobbing und auch von Cybermobbing eingegangen: Welche – auch subtilen – Formen von Gewalt gibt es? Welche Ursachen besitzt Gewalt? Wie kann ich mich dagegen wehren und mir Hilfe einholen? Und auch: Welche Rolle spiele ich als ,,Beobachter"?
Darüber hinaus ging es auch um das Einüben von Empathie-Fähigkeit. Denn nur wer in der Lage ist, sich in andere hineinzuversetzen, kann auch erfolgreich Probleme lösen. In verschiedenen Übungen lernten die Schüler, die Gefühle von anderen wahrzunehmen und vorherzusagen, wie andere sich fühlen – vor allem in Mobbingsituationen.
,,Ein sehr interessanter, informativer und kurzweiliger Vormittag!", so das Feedback vieler Sechstklässler. Das positive Echo zeigt, dass sowohl das Thema als auch die methodenvielfältige Aufarbeitung gut ankamen. Auch die Rückmeldung der Trainer macht deutlich, dass in den Klassen gut gearbeitet wurde und keine Scheu bestand, vorhandene Konflikte anzusprechen und diese zu analysieren.
Die Kosten für das Projekt übernahm die Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung.