Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Wind instrument & band class
Everyone can learn an instrument
Not every family can afford to promote musical ability by sending their children to music lessons or buying an instrument.
However, it has been scientifically proven that early musical learning has a positive effect on a child’s brain and development.
The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation has thus been supporting early musical education at schools since 2012 in the form of financial aid, e.g. for leasing musical instruments, traveling to events or for targeted musical education as part of the annual Music Week at the Music Academy in Markoberdorf.
Promoting culture is an important element of the Foundation’s support measures.
Topic: Promoting music
Age category: 6 - 18 years
Venue: School
Duration: continuous support 1-3 years
Participation requirements: Maximum of 30 school students
The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation usually assumes a share of the costs for leasing the instruments or for traveling to performances. Simply send us a non-binding inquiry.
The Band Class project commenced at a high school in Schongau (Pfaffenwinkel-Realschule) in the 2016/2017 academic year. Thanks to the generous support of the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation, the Foundation and the bank, Sparkasse Schongau, a basic stock of instruments was purchased for 28 students. Guitars with amplifiers, keyboards, basses, drums and percussion instruments can now all be heard through the corridors of the school.
The concept was well-received and so it was not a problem to once again generate a Band Class for the following academic year. As a fifth- and a sixth-grade class are now both “rocking” –partially at the same time – the number of instruments available needed to be increased. Here, too, the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation offered its support.
Besides the learning success and the social skills which playing music together brings, the Band Class has the added advantage that the parents do not need to cover the costs of the instrument and lessons. This enables all children to learn an instrument – even those who may otherwise not have been given this opportunity. Demand for the Band Class continues unabated. And so from September this year, too, the “B” in Class 5B will continue to stand for “BAND”!
Since 2015, the elementary school in Denklingen has been promoting the musical education of its pupils with the financial support of the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation. The set up of a wind instrument class, with the aim of enabling the whole class to makes music together, is now a fixed part of the lesson and of the school profile.
The wind instrument class begins in the third school year for a duration of two years. The instruments are made available to the pupils and the lessons are given by trained music teachers.
So that everyone can take part in the project, no costs are incurred for the parents. The skills obtained during this time can then be further cultivated at many high schools or in the Denklingen Music Society.
The wind instrument class provided musical accompaniment at the 10-year anniversary celebrations of the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation, impressing the audience with their performance. Success speaks for itself.
In the band class at a high school in Schongau (Pfaffenwinkel-Realschule), 28 pupils are learning a band instrument as part of extended music lessons. The project will last for a period of two school years.
During three music lessons a week, which are divided into pure music instruction, a band practice hour and instrument practice, the children learn music in theory as well as in practice by playing their band instrument alone and in the group. Due to funding from the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation and other partners, the parents do not need to cover the costs of the lessons and instruments.