Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
Apfeldorf Vacation Program
Vacation Fun & Games
The Frank Hirschvogel Foundation has been supporting the August vacation program in Apfeldorf since 2016.
The vacation program is a great asset for local families and their children. For many families with children of elementary school age, the long summer vacation is a big problem. While in larger communities there is often inexpensive childcare on offer, this is usually not the case in smaller towns and villages.
During the 2-week volunteer-run program, children and adolescents can enjoy a number of different activities during the summer vacation. For many families, the vacation program is an absolute hit, as the children gain a number of great impressions, experience new things and also have something to report after the vacation. As the program offers pedagogically meaningful courses that are valuable in developing the children’s skills and capabilities, it makes an immense contribution to equal opportunities in rural areas.
All course contents are carefully selected and contribute to the development of the children, especially in those areas which cannot be covered to the necessary extent by school education. And so there are courses offering the participants the chance to try out new kinds of sport, for instance. In the courses on natural history topics, such as beekeeping and birds of prey, the children not only experience nature as an exciting and significant part of their environment, but also learn that they themselves can contribute to the preservation of this environment. The activities help to promote various skills, including concentration, cooperation and articulation, as well as to increase confidence.
Once again, children were offered a colorful program during this year's vacation program in Apfeldorf. The program included a presentation on extraterrestrials by Professor Eimüller of Kempten University of Applied Sciences, a cheerleading and dance choreography course with the dance studio "Dance & More", a look behind the scenes at a marksmen's club, a tour of a fish farm, pottery with Rosi, woodcarving, and many other activities. A circus and theater performance by the children from Apfeldorf at the local gym rounded off the program. Here, the children had the chance to present their newly acquired skills. In addition, a flea market was organized, during which food and beverages were also on offer.